Quotes about Your Self
“Suppose you’re called on to navigate some particularly difficult life dilemma, your own, or that of a close confidant. You yearn to talk matters over with your mentor, spouse, or best friend. Yet, for whatever reason, you can’t get a hold of these valued others—perhaps they’re traveling, busy, or even deceased. Research shows that simply imagining having a conversation with them is as good as actually talking with them. So consult them in your mind. Ask them what advice they’d offer. In this way, a cherished parent or mentor, even if deceased, leaves you with an inner voice that guides you through challenging times. Your past moments of love and connection make you lastingly wiser.”
― Love 2.0: How Our Supreme Emotion Affects Everything We Feel, Think, Do, and Become
“Love is that micro-moment of warmth and connection that you share with another living being”
― Love 2.0: How Our Supreme Emotion Affects Everything We Feel, Think, Do, and Become
“The genius of evolution lies in the dynamic tension between optimism and pessimism continually correcting each other.”
― Learned Optimism: How to Change Your Mind and Your Life
“Authentic happiness derives from raising the bar for yourself, not rating yourself against others.”
― Authentic Happiness: Using the New Positive Psychology to Realize Your Potential for Lasting Fulfillment
“While you can't control your experiences, you can control your explanations.”
― Learned Optimism: How to Change Your Mind and Your Life
“Reconnect to what makes you happy and brings you Joy. If there is something that used to make you happy which you have stopped doing, do it again. Seek to find deeper meaning and significance rather than living on the surface.” ―